Friday, April 28, 2006

WOW, I Truly Cannot Believe Some People

Now, it's true that I am no angel...I can't say that I like every single person on the planet, but I am a firm believer in "it's your life, not mine, you can do with it what you want" so long as you don't force your views on me...

Also, I am usually not really a fan of Hannity and Colmes...but this was definitely worthy of putting out there for all to see...the utter...I can't even come up with a good word for this woman...just watch...

There you have it...please pass it on if you feel so compelled...I really don't know about her God, but I am fairly certain that we don't have the same one...maybe that is just me.

-- Kelly

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Thanks To Everyone Who Cares

It has been brought to my attention that I haven't been paying attention to everyone that loves me...i.e. not updating my blog, sorry.

I have a fairly good reason though...well, a cliched one really - I have been super busy; work, um, some more work and the occasional sleep...yeah...or I am just a bad bad person and I deserve mime (only if you were ever a fan of Buffy will you understand that, so nevermind)

Anyways, for as busy as I have been not a whole lot is going on...I will be travelling a lot in the near future (twice to LA in the next few months), my mom and grandmother will be in town for a few weeks, if I'm lucky there is a tubing/rafting trip in the near future (the beginning of July or so) and I may be back in Michigan for a few days, if Michael moves out here...

Other than that people I know have more exciting news, but that is for them to tell you...

So, for now, that's it, and I promise to be a better friend in the future!

-- Kelly ( :