Now, it's true that I am no angel...I can't say that I like every single person on the planet, but I am a firm believer in "it's your life, not mine, you can do with it what you want" so long as you don't force your views on me...
Also, I am usually not really a fan of Hannity and Colmes...but this was definitely worthy of putting out there for all to see...the utter...I can't even come up with a good word for this woman...just watch...
Blessed are you when men hate you, and when they exclude you and revile you, and cast out your name as evil, on account of the Son of man! -Luke 6:22
Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven; - Luke 6:37
I am saddened by that woman, who seems to be frantically clinging to her beliefs, which are unfortunately poisoned by fear and hate. I hope she finds peace.
Wow, Em, you have a much more um, positive attitude towards that woman than I are a better person for that see because even though she saddens me, she angers me more.
Well, at least you had a reaction. The worst response you can have to something like that is no response at all. Apathy will only allow hateful, fear ridden attitudes to spread. It is important to speak out against what you think is wrong.
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