Tuesday, September 26, 2006

You Wouldn't Believe If Unless You Were There

Ok, so last weekend was my brother's wedding in Ventura, CA. Everything was great, I drove up on Thursday afternoon, saw my dad and stepmom for the first time in over a year, got to hang out with relatives and friends that I don't get to see and of course welcomed a new member to the Mazzonne family. It was certainly good times. But, before we could get to this (that is cake cutting by the way...) we had to have a little party, a small dinner and go through some not-so-perfect moments...so here goes.

Thursday night was the bachelorette party...we had an absolute blast at a country bar in Thousand Oaks...and it was a cowgirl theme!

My sister-in-law had some of the best cowgirls friends ever!

The next evening was a bit more subdued...there was some eating, drinking, gift giving and of course crying...(just the moms though when they got their gifts)

Mostly though it was just a time for family like my brother and his "brothers" these guys have been friends well, pretty much forever...

Well, so far that is a pretty normal wedding weekend...but Saturday morning is where it really gets exciting...Nichole and Alex wanted some pictures on the beach with the entire wedding party, so we got dressed in our favorite blue jeans and a great white t-shirt (think every Gap commercial you've ever seen) and we headed to the pier. There were some cute life-guard-y pics, some water-splash-y pics and even some football pics...and the loss of a toenail due to a sneaky hidden rock
...poor Matty Mo.

After the toenail we thought that there was no way it could get worse...we were wrong. Well, maybe worse isn't the right word. It got weirder. We were walking down the beach and someone saw a pigeon in the water. It had a broken wing and couldn't fly - therefore it was drowning (no I don't have pictures of this you sick, sick people) Well, good old Jimmy C ran straight into the ocean and saved that poor little pigeon. He placed it safely on dry sand, certainly far enough from the tide. Nope, little pigeon, you are not going to drown today, no siree...get pecked to death and ripped apart by seagulls - maybe - but not drowned. And in fact that is exactly happened...we tried to shoo the seagulls away but we had more photos to take and then there was still the "updo" portion of the day so we were not able to properly care for our new pigeon...and he didn't make it.

After that trauma and an afternoon filled with hair appointments and other photo opportunities we were all ready for the wedding...it really was beautiful (I couldn't get any pictures of the ceremony however, cause I was kinda busy being a bridesmaid...) so you will just have to take my word for it - ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!!! And the reception was pretty good too!

-- Kelly ( :

Monday, September 11, 2006

It Should Have Been Just Another Day

I remember...I was getting new tires on my Explorer that day, because I was worried about the Firestone ones exploding...I bet some people wished that was their biggest worry that day.

I was sitting in Big Boy's restaurant, reading a book cause I didn't want to sit at the Ford dealership for two hours. There were some retirees having what was certainly a weekly ritual...they were talking about random things over coffee and eggs. One of their friends came in and said that a plane had hit the World Trade Center. I remember thinking that he most certainly must have meant just the radio tower on top of the building...and that maybe it was a helicopter instead. Nobody else had heard anything at that point though, but he seemed to think it was more important that people were acknowledging...he sure was right about that. I figured taht whatever was going on would probably be on the news, so I paid my bill and went back to the dealership because I remembered that they had a television in the waiting area. I walked into the waiting lounge and I thought that they were having some sort of meeting. What I saw next changed this country forever. It wasn't just the radio tower and it certainly wasn't a helicopter. Surprisingly, they finished working on my tires. I went to work, where we watched more of the unfolding terror, but really everyone wanted to be at home with their loved ones, so we cancelled the few appointments that didn't already call to cancel and closed the salon early that day. I spent the rest of the day watching every news channel possible with my mother - we kept changing the channel hoping to get more information than the last channel had given us. We cried. A lot. I remember after that day we had a "contest" at work. It was for our customers. They could purchase raffle tickets for like $5 or something and all the money that we collected would go to help out in the rebuilding afterwards. The customer would "win" a free haircut or something like that...it was a cheesy contest, but so many people wanted to do something that they bought the tickets. I know that there is so much more to remember from that day...and so much that we will never forget. I know this is how I would rather remember NYC.

My brother flew to California today - from Florida. I knew that he would be fine, but there was a small part of me that was really worried about him flying on the fifth anniversary of the worst terrorist attack this country has ever seen. He said he figured it was probably the safest day to fly...he's probably right.

So, if you have an open mind and you are okay with knowing that our government isn't the squeakest clean government out there you should check out "Loose Change". It really gives you a new perspective.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Ok, I Know It Has Been A While...

Wow. Which, in case you weren't aware can also be Mom...if you read upside-down...but anyway, wow.

What's with all the wowing you ask? (Both of my loyal readers...)

Well, it is just that things change so much in what feels like such a short time span. I know that we are all getting older (there is no denying it...one day they simply stop carding you when you buy alcohol) but it seems like every time I turn around someone I went to high school with is getting married or having kids and I am like "Wait, but we're still in high-school..." even though I know perfectly well that I am far from high-school (my ***shudder*** ten year reunion was like two weeks ago...no, didn't go...to far to travel to tell people that my college degree is doing me NO FREAKING GOOD!! Also, no, not married or seeing anyone seriously right now...the no kids part is fine because I really don't want kids, but you know, it is still kind of depressing to have pretty much nothing to show for the last ten years...) I mean I want to get married, still probably won't want to have kids, and no, I don't want to work for Sprint for the rest of my life, but seriously, those people are not that much better than me just for being married...wow. This went in a completely different direction from where I intended it to go...I was going to talk about time passing too quickly and well...


So, now I feel like Carrie Bradshaw...

What was I saying? Oh, yeah, time passes way too quickly...and I don't want to be a grown-up anymore...can we please just reverse the years...just back a few...like maybe ten or so...wait, no, I don't really want to be in HS again...unless I have the knowledge that I have now...which would make HS no fun.

But anyway...rambling aside, well, actually, there is still a lot of ranting so maybe I should just go away for now...

-- Kelly ( :

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Good Night, Gracie

It's weird...I mean, every year we go through this, saying goodbye to our friends, those that have been there for us since September, helping us through everything, all the way until May, then they leave for the summer, but we wait, faithfully, until they return the following fall. No, I am not talking about friends from college, or professors or anything like that...I mean our TV friends. You know, before it was Ross, Rachel, Monica, etc....we had George, Jerry and the Seinfeld gang, there is the entire staff at County General (ER in case you don't watch), the women of Wisteria Lane...these are our friends (no pun intended) for an entire season of television we laugh with them, cry with them, can't wait to see what happens to them next, but we know that someday this relationship will come to an end. These are characters after all, not real people...right???

Tonight was the final episode of Will and Grace. It was, IMHO, the best episode of Will and Grace ever. Not the funniest, certainly, but the best. I love that it allowed us to see into the future of Will, Grace, Jack and Karen, I loved the way they left it, how they handled it...everything about it and I am certainly going to miss it next fall. Doesn't seem like it was on for eight years, and I know for a fact that in year one I didn't think it would make it this far, but it did...brilliantly. I feel all sappy writing about a show like this, but it was good comedy - that is a rarity these days...I don't think any 1/2 hr. sitcom has what it takes to make it 8 seasons anymore...not even My Name is Earl which I find supremely funny...

Several of my favorite shows are ending for good this year and it is strange, because every year I say that I am not going to watch as much TV as I did last year because I don't have as many shows to watch, but for me, this is what I do...and I only hope that one day I can be a part of a show that is as good as Will and Grace was...although I will have to actually get a job writing for ANY show before I can write for a good show, but I am working on that.

I hope that next year brings about some more good friends to join with my current ones and I will probably watch MORE TV next year...I like TV, deal with it.

-- Kelly

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Another Day Another Escalation

Wow, I swear that all the crazy people come out of the woodwork and head straight for the Sprint store at the NE corner of 75th Ave. and Bell Rd. all at once.

Yep, it was another one of those days, where almost every person "NEEDS" to talk to a manager/supervisor. Of course this is one of the days when we have 2 of 4 managers in at all...which usually only happens once a week...twice this week because of some vacations...anyways, these people always come in when we are short managered...I think that they plan it that way.

I never ever went into a store and pitched a complete fit, but I am telling you, this is possibly the best way for you to go about your business...go into wherever you need to take care of something, demand to speak to the manager and tell them that you aren't going to leave until your issue is fixed. Then when they bend over so you can f*ck them in the @ss...tell them that it isn't good enough and threaten to go to THEIR manager and make sure that they don't have a job after you are through with them...now that was not todays issue, but I have been threatened like that before and so has my boss...fun times THEY ARE FRIGGIN CELL PHONES PEOPLE!!!!!! After you get your way, you have two options...you can stay the pissed off customer that you have been the whole time or you can do a complete 180 and sympathize with whomever you are yelling at telling them that you know it isn't their fault and thank them for helping you out. Be warned though, because either way, the minute you leave they will certainly notate your account (if at all possible) and also talk about that horrible bitch/jackass that they just helped...so yeah.

And if their day is going superbly well, they will get written up for poor customer service from their boss...but you, you will have your shiny new whatever and free service for a while. Not that that was my day today or anything...oh, yeah also if that poor supervisor is SUPER lucky, someone will have called in sick and another person not shown up...hypothetical situation...just spitballin here...

For amusement today I played the "ringtone" on my phone over and over that is from Office Space...it goes "I don't like my job and I uh, don't think I'm gonna go anymore..." got a chuckle out of every employee at some point today. I SO love that movie...hmmm, maybe I'll go watch it now...yeah...Office Space and some chocolate - good times.

-- Kelly ( :

Friday, April 28, 2006

WOW, I Truly Cannot Believe Some People

Now, it's true that I am no angel...I can't say that I like every single person on the planet, but I am a firm believer in "it's your life, not mine, you can do with it what you want" so long as you don't force your views on me...

Also, I am usually not really a fan of Hannity and Colmes...but this was definitely worthy of putting out there for all to see...the utter...I can't even come up with a good word for this woman...just watch...

There you have it...please pass it on if you feel so compelled...I really don't know about her God, but I am fairly certain that we don't have the same one...maybe that is just me.

-- Kelly

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Thanks To Everyone Who Cares

It has been brought to my attention that I haven't been paying attention to everyone that loves me...i.e. not updating my blog regularly...so, sorry.

I have a fairly good reason though...well, a cliched one really - I have been super busy; work, um, some more work and the occasional sleep...yeah...or I am just a bad bad person and I deserve mime (only if you were ever a fan of Buffy will you understand that, so nevermind)

Anyways, for as busy as I have been not a whole lot is going on...I will be travelling a lot in the near future (twice to LA in the next few months), my mom and grandmother will be in town for a few weeks, if I'm lucky there is a tubing/rafting trip in the near future (the beginning of July or so) and I may be back in Michigan for a few days, if Michael moves out here...

Other than that people I know have more exciting news, but that is for them to tell you...

So, for now, that's it, and I promise to be a better friend in the future!

-- Kelly ( :

Friday, March 24, 2006

Well Deserved Time Off...Boston And NYC 2006

Well, after working almost non-stop for the last six months I finally got some time away from work and I got to see friends that I hadn't seen in almost a year...I visited Marvin and Billy in Boston for St. Patty's Day with Michael. Marvin's granny (they are currently in Aruba...they left Sunday March 19th...lucky bastards) and her friend Lynne were also there...six of us...in a one bedroom apartment for three days...with one bathroom...quite fun.

We started the day off with a cultural question...do they have St. Patty's Day in Iraq (probably not was the answer) but if they did it might look something like this!

After our first bar (we barhopped most of the day) we decided that the day needed a theme and after finding these fabulous hats we decided that the theme would be a tribute to the Oscar winning song from "Hustle and Flow" It's Hard Out Here For A Pimp...

We were all fairly disappointed that it took until our third stop to find some green beer...

But that didn't stop us from enjoying all that they had to offer!

After that bar we found fun people who looked as stupid as we did...

Then it was on to the place where we actually stayed most of the day...Whiskey's.

There was more drunkenness to be had there...

Some random people that wanted our pictures...

There was even a traditional bagpipe band...complete with kilts...and even though we didn't get to see if they really were being traditional under the kilts they were still fantastic!

After Whiskey's there was time for one more bar...one where everyone knows your name...

Then Michael and I were off to NYC...the big apple...where our pictures consisted mainly of buildings...


and billboards...

These picutres were considerably more boring than the ones from Boston (they might have been more fun if I had asked some of the nice NYPD to pose with me for a picture (yes, we saw some tourists doing just that...from "Protect and Serve" to "Strike a Pose" in five seconds or less...quite entertaining really...)

Well, that is pretty much it for now...I move next week and I have done absolutely no packing...and just be grateful that I chose not to share the pics of my new house (renting not buying) with you all...

-- Kelly ( :

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Some Fabulous New Stuff

Okay, so the last time I posted anything I had a new kitten...now I have three other new things (only two of which have pictures to go along with them, the third thing is only an explanitory thing...so here goes.

First, I decided that I wanted to get myself a car that I felt better represented who I am, not that the Ranger was bad, but well, I like getting new cars every couple of years, that is why I lease, so...

Isn't she beautiful!! My friend says that she is almost like "Eleanor" and that I should get the "Eleanor" kit that is available for the Mustang so she can look even more like Eleanor. (and if you don't know who Eleanor is, nevermind, just watch Gone In 60 Seconds you'll figure it out...beautiful car.) Just look at her beautiful smile...

So, that was Tuesday, then Friday, yesterday, I went and got this...

I know, I'm such a rebel. In case it isn't obvious, which it probably isn't from this picture, it is on my upper back, right between my shoulder blades and it is about 5 - 6 inches from top to bottom. I really like it and everyone else here seems to as well...which leads into the third good thing this week.

As I was on my way to get my tattoo my boss called me and told me that the promotion I had interviewed for earlier this week was MINE!!!! WOOHOO!!! More responsiblity not too much more money...wait, um...oh well...can't win them all...

AND if that wasn't enough, today the store manager from the Scottsdale Discovery Channel Store called and asked me if I would like to come back and be their Associate Manager...I can't tell you how nice it was to be able to tell her no...I make more money now than I ever did with DCS and there is no way in hell I'd go back...I was nice though - I still shop there you know.

So, I think that is enough new and exciting news for now, I'm sure more will come later though!

-- Kelly ( :

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Couldn't Resist

So, I was out at lunch yesterday with my friend Jen and we had a little time, so we went into PetSmart. Well...the rest of this story should be obvious...

So, she needs a name, cause I am about to make good on my promise to have cats named "hellfire" and "damnation"...she would be hellfire...which may actually be a fine name for her...

Also, she's a snuggler...I LOVE IT!!! And quite playful (although the shelter woman told me she'd probably hide for the first week or so...yeah, unlikely)

She has made herself quite at home on top of chairs, on tables, she even watched Desperate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy with me...seriously, there was an explosion on TV, she ran to it an was staring at it until the commercials.

So, enough for now, I'm sure there will be several cute pictures to follow.

-- Kelly ( :

Monday, February 06, 2006

So-So Superbowl XL

Ok, so I didn't watch too much of the Superbowl this year...with my Patriots not in it, I wasn't glued to the set, but the commercials are still something that I look forward to. However, the few commercials that I did see left much to be desired in the way of the previous years (think EDS cat herders and that one with the guy making spaghetti and holding the cat...you know which one I mean...)

There was one really great commercial...no, I don't feel this way because I work for Sprint...I really think it is great, so here is the link...

Watch the "Locker Room"

As for the rest of the XL hoopla, I know everyone in D-Town is simply glad that it is over...now I get to look forward to it...Superbowl XLII in Phoenix 2008...


-- Kelly ( :

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Construction Woes

Ok...so my work is under construction...we are remodeling the ENTIRE STORE and it will take 6 - 8 weeks...if everything goes OK...and we all know how often that happens...so, if I am lucky the store will be back in one piece before I go to Boston, but I won't be holding my breath for that...

Picture this (Sicily...1938...)sorry, couldn't resist ( : Anyway, the store has two temporary walls up which currently make our workable space about 1/3 of the normal selling floor. On top of that we are doing the nightly paperwork on the floor because both the manager's and asst. mgr.'s office have currently been demolished. Our technicians have been put into a tiny closet of a room that once held our servers and stereo system...actually both of those things are still crammed in there with two techs and two computers and a repair bench...good times. Today all the rest of the walls in the back came down, making the back of the store completely empty and most of the floor is ripped out. Now, there is drywall dust EVERYWHERE, including my clothes (which means now there is some at home too...) and it is making everyone's eyes water and getting caught in our throats, which cannot be a safe work environment.

If this weren't enough the construction workers come in around 6AM (which makes the manager cranky by the time we all arrive at 9:30 because he's been at work for a few hours, and they work until 2 or 3 ish. This means that they are hammering, sawing, banging, etc. while we have customers in the store. This is NOT an ideal environment for anyone (even the people I can't stand there...)

To amuse myself during this time of construction I have decided to start a pool to see which employee will snap and go postal on the rest of us first - there are two frontrunners right now, so we'll have to watch and see how everything progresses.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Happy Friday The 13th

Yeah, so I completely have neglected my loyal blog readers...both of you...

Happy New Year and whatever other holidays I have missed in the last three weeks since I have been here...

So, update on stupid UPS...I finally got my Christmas presents...New Year's Eve...but they are fantastic!!!

My new exciting news is that I am finally going to get to see some friends soon!!! I am going to Boston for St. Patty's Day and then to NYC for a few days...I miss my friends...it has been almost a year (well it will be almost a year when March gets here, but you know what I mean.)

I got an email today telling me that my ASU law school application is finally complete, which is nice, now I get to frantically check the mail everyday hoping that they will send me a nice big fat envelope...not those really thin ones that only have a rejection letter in them...no, that would suck.

Well, by now you all must know that I didn't get my fellowship in LA either (or I'd BE in LA right now) but that is okay, I am really beginning to like Arizona (no jokes, I do love it)

So, for now, Happy Friday the 13th...something good always happens to me on these days...I hope you have a good one too (even though it is basically over now.)

-- Kelly ( :